Skinny - Co Peppermint Lip Balm Tube 1 ea .01 oz
$ 3.16
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Skinny - Co Peppermint Lip Balm Tube 1 ea .01 ozProduct Description
CONVENIENT - Pocket-sized nourishment for hydration on the go!
CHEMICAL-FREE INGREDIENTS - We use 100% natural ingredients to create products that nourish your whole body from the outside in - no parabens, phthalates, sulfates, petrochemicals, or synthetic chemicals of any kind.
4 INGREDIENTS - Every Skinny & Co. product is created with the highest quality natural ingredients, so we don't need fillers! This product contains Skinny & Co. Coconut Oil, Beeswax, Cocoa Seed Butter, and Peppermint Oil.
MANY USES - Apply a thin layer to hydrate dry lips throughout the day, to easily remove lipstick, or to protect lips from the elements.
OUR MISSION: At Skinny & Company, we strive to continually share with our customers how to live a healthy, chemical-free lifestyle. It is a journey with you to live cleaner, by eliminating impurities and toxins from your lives. Don't be intimidated - not only is it possible, but it’s simple.
Here’s the skinny on The SkinnyTM.
Skinny & Co.’s patented (No. US 9,560,859 B2) ultra cold-pressed process retains nutrients better than any other process in the world: it’s like handing you a raw coconut!
Our revolutionary process removes all impurities from the coconut oil that could clog pores or wreak havoc on your skin. It’s hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic. We don’t add any chemicals, preservatives, phthalates, sulfates or parabens of any kind...period.
Skinny & Co. Pure Beauty Coconut Oil hydrates better than any other product: all the way to your third layer of skin!
We’ve built our product based on the latest research about health and beauty products so you can be confident on what you’re putting on your body.
We only use 5 or less of the finest ingredients available - every product is 100% natural and safe enough to eat. At Skinny & Co., we manufacture the purest products on earth...and we use them all ourselves.
That’s the Skinny & Co. difference.
We understand that you are committed to living a healthy, chemical free lifestyle. We believe that when you look and feel your best you will be inspired
We make our chemical free Raw Beauty line because we believe that you should never have to sacrifice health for beauty. Feel, smell and experience the difference 100% chemical and additive free can make in your life.
Raw Beauty will give you everything you need to moisturize, repair, and protect your skin - NATURALLY. All of our raw beauty products contain 5 ingredients or less, Chemical Free, and contain 100% virgin Skinny coconut oil.
Lip Balm - Calming
Lip Balm - Clarifying
Lip Balm - Rejuvenating
Body Melt - Rejuvenating
Sweet Orange
Rose & Jojoba
Hydrates Lips
Hydrates Lips
Hydrates Lips
Replenishes & Re-Hydrates Skin
Skin Type
For Normal or Sensitive Skin
For Blemish-Prone Skin
For Aging and Stressed Sking
For Aging and Stressed Sking
No Additives, Preservatives, or Chemicals
5 Ingredients or Less
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